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Global Health (decolonization, policy, politics/diplomacy), sexual reproductive health and rights, research ethics, medical ethics, community engagement, and HIV-AIDS

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  1. Gender and the Impact of climate change and health: April 2023, Master of Public Health Class, University of Iowa
  2. Ethics and Global health, 12th April 2021. School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin
  3. Research Ethics in Humanitarian Settings, 22nd April, 2022. MA in Humanitarian Action Class, University of Dublin
  4. Decolonizing global health, meanings: 28th of June, 2024: University of Brighton and Sussex, UK.
  5. Decolonization of global health: More questions than answers: July 30th, 2024, Strathmore University
  6. Decolonizing global health: key questions unanswered: 8th August, 2024: Department of Psychology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  7. Core competencies for public health leadership: 29th March, 2024. Emory University, USA
  8. Rethinking research ethics capacity Strengthening in low- and middle-income countries: 28th February 2023: International Development Research Centre, IDRC.
  9. Decolonizing Global Health: Donor Sustainability and Health Financing in Africa. 26th March, 2024. African Public Health Network, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
  10. The Catalyze Initiative. Experiences in International publishing and editing. AFRICAN JOURNALS VISIBILITY AND DISCOVERABILITY WORKSHOP, Kenya School of Government, October 1, 2024.
  11. The Catalyze Initiative: The politics and diplomacy of research funding: Grant writing workshop for Kenyan Universities. Kenya School of Government, October 2, 2024.
  1. Bain LE, Nkoke C. A new look at human immunodeficiency virus infection and stroke in Sub-Saharan Africa. Ann Transl Med. 2016 Jun;4(12):246.
  2. Bain LE. Are we doing enough for our patients with terminal cancer? A moral imperative to step up palliative care practice in Sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2015 Dec;5(5):467–8.
  3. Bain LE, Amoakoh-Coleman M, Tiendrebeogo KST, Zweekhorst MBM, de Cock Buning T, Becquet R. Attitudes towards abortion and decision-making capacity of pregnant adolescents: perspectives of medicine, midwifery and law students in Accra, Ghana. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2020 Apr;25(2):151–8.
  4. Bain LE, Amu H, Enowbeyang Tarkang E. Barriers and motivators of contraceptive use among young people in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review of qualitative studies. PLoS One. 2021;16(6):e0252745.
  5. Bain LE, Ahinkorah BO, Seidu AA, Budu E, Okyere J, Kongnyuy E. Beyond counting intended pregnancies among young women to understanding their associated factors in sub-Saharan Africa. Int Health. 2022 Sep 7;14(5):501–9.
  6. Ngwayu Nkfusai C, Ekoko Subi C, Gaelle Larissa E, Kum Awah P, Amu H, Akondeng C, Bain LE. Commentary: COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Research in Africa: Global Health Hypocrisy at Work? Front Public Health. 2021;9:790996.
  7. Bain LE, Akondeng C, Njamnshi WY, Mandi HE, Amu H, Njamnshi AK. Community engagement in research in sub-Saharan Africa: current practices, barriers, facilitators, ethical considerations and the role of gender – a systematic review. Pan Afr Med J. 2022;43:152.
  8. Bain LE, Ngwayu Nkfusai C, Nehwu Kiseh P, Badru OA, Anne Omam L, Adeagbo OA, et al. Community-engagement in research in humanitarian settings. Front Public Health. 2023;11:1208684.
  9. Amu H, Dowou RK, Saah FI, Efunwole JA, Bain LE, Tarkang EE. COVID-19 and Health Systems Functioning in Sub-Saharan Africa Using the “WHO Building Blocks”: The Challenges and Responses. Front Public Health. 2022;10:856397.
  10. Bain LE, Muftugil-Yalcin S, Amoakoh-Coleman M, Zweekhorst MBM, Becquet R, de Cock Buning T. Decision-making preferences and risk factors regarding early adolescent pregnancy in Ghana: stakeholders’ and adolescents’ perspectives from a vignette-based qualitative study. Reprod Health. 2020 Sep 11;17(1):141.
  11. Badru OA, Bain LE, Adeagbo OA. Does adherence to antiretroviral therapy differ by place of residence in Nigeria? A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open. 2023 Jul 25;13(7):e070024.
  12. Adeagbo OA, Badru OA, Nkfusai CN, Bain LE. Effectiveness of Linkage to Care and Prevention Interventions Following HIV Self-Testing: A Global Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. AIDS Behav. 2024 Apr;28(4):1314–26.
  13. Bain LE, Kongnyuy EJ. Eliminating the high abortion related complications and deaths in Cameroon: the restrictive legal atmosphere on abortions is no acceptable excuse. BMC Womens Health. 2018 May 24;18(1):71.
  14. Mathenjwa T, Nkosi B, Kim HY, Bain LE, Tanser F, Wassenaar D. Ethical considerations in using a smartphone-based GPS app to understand linkages between mobility patterns and health outcomes: The example of HIV risk among mobile youth in rural South Africa. Dev World Bioeth. 2023 Dec;23(4):321–30.
  15. Bain LE, Ditah CM, Awah PK, Ekukwe NC. Ethical implications of HIV self-testing: the game is far from being over. Pan Afr Med J. 2016;25:114.
  16. Bain LE, Dierickx K, Hens K. Ethical issues surrounding the provider initiated opt–Out prenatal HIV screening practice in Sub-Saharan Africa: a literature review. BMC Med Ethics. 2015 Oct 24;16(1):73.
  17. Ameworwor ER, Amu H, Dowou RK, Kye-Duodu G, Amu S, Bain LE. Exploring therapeutic communication in managing chronic non-communicable diseases: a mixed-method study in Ghana. Arch Public Health. 2024 Mar 14;82(1):36.
  18. Bain LE, Tchuisseu-Kwangoua LA, Adeagbo O, Nkfusai NC, Amu H, Saah FI, et al. Fostering research integrity in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges, opportunities, and recommendations. Pan Afr Med J. 2022;43:182.
  19. GBD 2021 Demographics Collaborators. Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950-2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet. 2024 May 18;403(10440):1989–2056.
  20. Bain LE, Mbouamba Yankam B, Kong JD, Claude Nkfusai N, Badru OA, Ebuenyi ID, et al. Global Health Mentorship: Challenges and Opportunities for Equitable Partnership. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 Nov;8(11):e013751.
  21. Saah FI, Amu H, Seidu AA, Bain LE. Health knowledge and care seeking behaviour in resource-limited settings amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study in Ghana. PLoS One. 2021;16(5):e0250940.
  22. Witts WK, Amu H, Dowou RK, Kwafo FO, Bain LE. Health-related quality of life among adults living with chronic non-communicable diseases in the Ho Municipality of Ghana: a health facility-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2024 Mar 6;24(1):725.
  23. Bain LE, Kum AP, Ekukwe NC, Clovis NC, Enowbeyang TE. HIV, cardiovascular disease, and stroke in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet HIV. 2016 Aug;3(8):e341–2.
  24. Bain LE, Adeagbo OA, Avoka CK, Amu H, Memiah P, Ebuenyi ID. Identifying the conundrums of “global health” in the Global North and Global South: a case for Sub-Saharan Africa. Front Public Health. 2024;12:1168505.
  25. Gwain GC, Amu H, Bain LE. Improving Employee Mental Health: A Health Facility-Based Study in the United States. Front Public Health. 2022;10:895048.
  26. Amu H, Brinsley TY, Kwafo FO, Amu S, Bain LE. Improving investment in chronic disease care in Sub-Saharan Africa is crucial for the achievement of SDG 3.4: application of the chronic care model. Arch Public Health. 2023 Sep 14;81(1):169.
  27. Bain LE. Improving upon provider-initiated opt-out prenatal HIV-screening approaches in Sub-Saharan Africa. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2016 Mar;132(3):354–5.
  28. Dowou RK, Amu H, Saah FI, Adeagbo O, Bain LE. Increased investment in Universal Health Coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa is crucial to attain the Sustainable Development Goal 3 targets on maternal and child health. Arch Public Health. 2023 Mar 4;81(1):34.
  29. Mathenjwa T, Bain LE, Adeagbo O, Kim HY, Inghels M, Zuma T, et al. Increasing HIV testing and linkage to care among men in rural South Africa using conditional financial incentives and a decision support app: A process evaluation. PLOS Glob Public Health. 2024;4(6):e0003364.
  30. Bain LE, Aboagye RG, Malunga G, Amu H, Dowou RK, Saah FI, et al. Individual and contextual factors associated with maternal healthcare utilisation in Mali: a cross-sectional study using Demographic and Health Survey data. BMJ Open. 2022 Feb 22;12(2):e057681.
  31. Bain LE, Kongnyuy EJ. Legal and Ethical Considerations during Maternal Death Surveillance and Response. Afr J Reprod Health. 2018 Jun;22(2):17–25.
  32. Dowou RK, Amu H, Saah FI, Arthur LE, Dotse PAN, Bain LE. Management of chronic non-communicable diseases in Ghana: a qualitative study of patients’ coping strategies and the role of caregivers. BMC Health Serv Res. 2023 Apr 18;23(1):371.
  33. Bain LE. Mandatory pre-abortion counseling is a barrier to accessing safe abortion services. Pan Afr Med J. 2020;35:80.
  34. Aboagye RG, Amu H, Dowou RK, Bansah P, Oaikhena IO, Bain LE. Prevalence and correlates of tetanus toxoid uptake among women in sub-Saharan Africa: Multilevel analysis of demographic and health survey data. PLoS One. 2023;18(12):e0296174.
  35. Bain LE, Aboagye RG, Dowou RK, Kongnyuy EJ, Memiah P, Amu H. Prevalence and determinants of maternal healthcare utilisation among young women in sub-Saharan Africa: cross-sectional analyses of demographic and health survey data. BMC Public Health. 2022 Apr 5;22(1):647.
  36. Bain LE, Zweekhorst MBM, de Cock Buning T. Prevalence and Determinants of Unintended Pregnancy in Sub -Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review. Afr J Reprod Health. 2020 Jun;24(2):187–205.
  37. Malunga G, Sangong S, Saah FI, Bain LE. Prevalence and factors associated with adolescent pregnancies in Zambia: a systematic review from 2000-2022. Arch Public Health. 2023 Feb 20;81(1):27.
  38. Ayuk BE, Yankam BM, Saah FI, Bain LE. Provision of injectable contraceptives by community health workers in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of safety, acceptability and effectiveness. Hum Resour Health. 2022 Sep 5;20(1):66.
  39. Bain LE, Ngwain CG, Nwobegahay J, Sumboh JG, Nditanchou R, Awah PK. Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and epidemic response in low and middle-income countries. Pan Afr Med J. 2018;31:209.
  40. Bain LE. Revisiting the need for virtue in medical practice: a reflection upon the teaching of Edmund Pellegrino. Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2018 Apr 10;13(1):4.
  41. Nkoke C, Bain LE, Jingi AM, Makoge C, Hamadou B, Dzudie A. Rheumatic heart disease awareness in the South West region of Cameroon: A hospital based survey in a Sub-Saharan African setting. PLoS One. 2018;13(9):e0203864.
  42. Bain LE. Safe abortion services for adolescents in Ghana. Pan Afr Med J. 2020;35:98.
  43. Tatah L, Bain LE, Kongnyuy E, Assah F, Mbanya JC. Shared correlates of maternal and childhood overweight in Cameroon: a cross-sectional analysis of demographic and health survey data. BMC Public Health. 2023 Jun 29;23(1):1265.
  44. Mbouamba Yankam B, Adeagbo O, Amu H, Dowou RK, Nyamen BGM, Ubechu SC, Bain LE. Task shifting and task sharing in the health sector in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence, success indicators, challenges, and opportunities. Pan Afr Med J. 2023;46:11.
  45. Tarkang EE, Bain LE. The bane of publishing a research article in international journals by African researchers, the peer-review process and the contentious issue of predatory journals: a commentary. Pan Afr Med J. 2019;32:119.
  46. Bain LE, Tarkang EE, Ebuenyi ID, Kamadjeu R. The HIV/AIDS pandemic will not end by the year 2030 in low and middle income countries. Pan Afr Med J. 2019;32:67.
  47. Bain LE, Adeagbo OA. There is an urgent need for a global rural health research agenda. Pan Afr Med J. 2022;43:147.
  48. Bain LE, Zweekhorst MBM, Amoakoh-Coleman M, Muftugil-Yalcin S, Omolade AIO, Becquet R, et al. To keep or not to keep? Decision making in adolescent pregnancies in Jamestown, Ghana. PLoS One. 2019;14(9):e0221789.
  49. Amu H, Aboagye RG, Dowou RK, Kongnyuy EJ, Adoma PO, Memiah P, Bain LE. Towards achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3: multilevel analyses of demographic and health survey data on health insurance coverage and maternal healthcare utilisation in sub-Saharan Africa. Int Health. 2023 Mar 1;15(2):134–49.
  50. Bain LE, Nkoke C, Noubiap JJN. UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets to end the AIDS epidemic by 2020 are not realistic: comment on “Can the UNAIDS 90-90-90 target be achieved? A systematic analysis of national HIV treatment cascades.” BMJ Glob Health. 2017;2(2):e000227.
  51. Bain LE. Understanding the meaning of autonomy in adolescent pregnancy decision-making: lessons from Ghana. Pan Afr Med J. 2021;40:34.
  52. Kwame KA, Bain LE, Manu E, Tarkang EE. Use and awareness of emergency contraceptives among women of reproductive age in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review. Contracept Reprod Med. 2022 Jan 17;7(1):1.
  53. Agorinya J, Avoka C, Bain LE. When little can do more: the case for investing in mental healthcare in Ghana. Pan Afr Med J. 2023;45:86.

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