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Decolonizing Global Health Leadership Through Mentorship.

By Luchuo Engelbert Bain, MD, PhD.

Perpetuation of historical power imbalances, where Global North actors dominate mentorship dynamics, often sidelining local expertise, indigenous knowledge, and the autonomy, value, and input of Global South researchers is real. Structural barriers (power imbalances in the spaces that matter, inequitable partnerships, the funder-grant advantage, helicopter research, epistemic superiority bias) that perpetuate this imbalances are robust, but not surmountable.

“A decolonised global health mentorship agenda is highly needed. Operationalising what ethical global health mentorship is, or should be, and how global health mentorship should be decolonised remain areas that deserve keen attention” [Bain and colleagues, 2023].


Decolonizing global health leadership – fairness in decision making and power dynamics- will certainly require a new breed of global health leaders, who think differently, engage differently, and work differently.

Meaning Business Not – As -Usual in mentorship in global health!

Luchuo Engelbert Bain

Luchuo Engelbert Bain